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My Stories

Surround Yourself With People Who Get it!
Written by Gillian Olivia Witter
I am in an interesting time in my life right now. In preparation for my trip to Korea, I had a flurry of activities of doing a lot of “lasts” of so many things. Last dinners. Last reggae jams. Last times with clients. Last hugs. I know I will see many of these people again some day, but when? I do not know.
Recently, I’ve had to let go of friendships. I let go of my best friend of twenty years. I needed to let go of a friendship of ten years, and then a friendship of three years. This change has been very difficult to process, emotionally. These friendships were VERY important in my life. But, as I’ve evolved, they are no longer aligned with the new version of myself. Two of these friends disappeared without an explanation. That really challenged my way of letting go and left me without being able to say my piece. Luckily, one friend was willing to sit and talk things out, I know our friendship will never be the same. In moments, I mourn these friendships. Each was special and close to my heart. But, they were in my life for a reason and now it’s time to release them. Through this release, I’ve opened up to a new level of aligned friendships. I am surrounded by kindred spirits. Friends whose energy is aligned with my energy. Friends of many different backgrounds, with different experiences, lifestyles, and joys. I have friends in my life, now, who get it.
Oh, family! Whatever our family looks like, family is at the very root of our essence. They help shape so much of our personality, our life experiences, and can influence how we perceive the world. I’ve done quite a bit of healing around my family tree and roots. I honour my family tree and all that it encompasses. I have learned over time that I truly have the BEST parents, ever. They have supported so much of this process and the person I am today. I am lucky! That’s what my Mom used to say to me, and what my Granny would say to my Mom. I AM LUCKY! Although, we come from different worlds, different times, and have different ideas about how to approach life, I still have the best parents. My Mom and my Daddy-o have supported me through EVERYTHING. Whether they understood it, agreed with it, loved it, or hated it - they are ALWAYS there for me. Even for this reason alone, I AM LUCKY! If you believe that we pick our parents, as I do, I know they were the right people to have on my team as I go through this life. They are my rocks. My stable, steadfast, grounded, Taurus parents. (Yes, both of them are Taurus.) They get me and they get it.
I have always been fortunate to be around both positive and negative energies. Both offer important lessons, of equal value to me. Surrounding myself with people who get it includes the energy that surrounds me, too. In the past few years, the past few jobs, through yoga, through meditation, through my love of the metaphysical world, I have been blessed to be attracted and connected to people who get it. The people that surround me are my angels, my guides, my noble teachers, my supporters, and my empowerment.
I am grateful to be surrounded by people who get me and get it.

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